The average house price on CARLTON GARDENS is £87,085
The most expensive house in the street is 12 CARLTON GARDENS with an estimated value of £95,757
The cheapest house in the street is 14 CARLTON GARDENS with an estimated value of £79,316
The house which was most recently sold was 12 CARLTON GARDENS, this sold on 10 Sep 2015 for £67,000
The postcode for CARLTON GARDENS is LS7 1HG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
8 CARLTON GARDENS Flats/Maisonettes , 84 m2 £94,843 £28,000 27 Jul 2001
12 CARLTON GARDENS Flats/Maisonettes , 75 m2 £95,757 £67,000 10 Sep 2015
14 CARLTON GARDENS Flats/Maisonettes , 76 m2 £79,316 £34,500 15 Sep 2003
16 CARLTON GARDENS Flats/Maisonettes , 76 m2 £85,664 £55,000 14 May 2014
30 CARLTON GARDENS Flats/Maisonettes , 76 m2 £79,848 £22,000 12 Dec 2000